Monday, July 14, 2008

GFA-BASIC Toolkit - Volume 1 (HYPertext released)

GFA-BASIC Toolkit - Volume 1 (HYPertext released)

I have ported an old GFA book to HYPertext. It's attached to this post. You will need an ST-Guide or equivalent HYPertext reader.

Get it here:

If you also want the disk that came with the book, it's here:


PS. I know the book is old and maybe some of the example code is not so great, but hey, it's free. ;o)

Released with kind permission of Clayton Walnum, aka Taylor Ridge Books.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Devpac v3 Documentation (HYP) released

Devpac v3 Documentation (HYPertext) [rev .50]

Get it here.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

GFA-BASIC Compiler v3.6 r15 released

Reverted the '$F%' and '$X' modification, fixed the code which skips spaces
The command '$ F%' is now valid per the manual (extra white spaces)

Friday, February 29, 2008

Omikron import module halted

I contacted the author of Omikron BASIC and he does not want to give out the information needed to decode the tokenized files. He more or less replied "use the Omikron editor". :-( It's rather irritating to get such replies when the software is unsupported since 1998. The sad thing is the author will probably take your money if you attempt to purchase it!

If you wish to import your old Omikron files into GFA-Basic, you will have to use the old Omikron editor and export the listing as ASCII, then import it into GBE.

Also, I recommend avoiding Omikron BASIC entirely. Not only does it create non-standard binaries (which are mostly data, with a small loader), but it also uses PMOVE and self-modifying code.

I've been told by more than two people that a proper Intel version for the Mac is not planned. When Rosetta is finally removed from Mac OS X, Omikron Basic will cease to function. It's only a matter of time. So buyer beware!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

GBE Status

HiSoft BASIC (Tokenized) import module completed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

GFA Compiler status

GFA-Basic Compiler r15 is in the works. Reverted previous change to the $F/$X bug. I plan to make it work as the manual states. The extra spaces should be ignored.

PRINT @test
$ F% !this would normally fail (extra space following the dollar sign)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

GFA-Basic HYPertext updated (v2.14)

Article 'Debugging with GFA-Basic and MiNT' is no longer available as a PDF file. It has been incorporated into my GFA-Basic Compendium (HYPertext).